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Supporters Raised $5M+ For Gay Marriage In Md.

BALTIMORE (AP)—Supporters of a Maryland ballot measure in favor of gay marriage raised more than twice the amount of opponents trying to defeat the measure.

Campaign finance reports filed this week show Marylanders for Marriage Equality, the main group behind the ballot measure, raised more than $5 million. The Maryland Marriage Alliance, which opposed the law, reported raising about $2.4 million.

Supporters of the measure reported nearly 15,000 checks. That included more than $450,000 from the Human Rights Campaign, $200,000 from the Service Employees International Union, and $50,000 from Baltimore lawyer and Orioles owner Peter Angelos. Gov. Martin O’Malley also gave $1,000.

Donors to the Maryland Marriage Alliance included the National Organization for Marriage, which gave more than $1 million total.





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