
Chinese Gay Penguins Become Adoptive Parents

A pair of penguin males in China has been given a newborn chick to raise.

ABC News is reporting that the chick is one of a rare pair of twins born to a female.  Since the effort to raise a chick is so intensive, the mother was struggling with them, so caretakers gave one of the chicks to the gay couple.  The male pair, who were ready for their own baby, had been caught several times trying to steal eggs from other penguin nests.

Kevin McGowan of the Cornell Laboratory of Ornithology in Ithaca, N.Y., told that the gay couple shouldn’t have any trouble raising the chick together if they recognize it as their own.

“In birds, it doesn’t matter what sex you are. Both sexes are perfectly capable and absolutely necessary to raise a penguin bird,” he said. “It’s not like mammals where only one sex can feed.”

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