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Community Center offers new HIV support group

Representatives for the Houston GLBT Community Center have announced the launch of a weekly support group for individuals living with HIV/AIDS. The new Center HIV Support Group met for first time on June 17, and continues to meet each Thursday at the Center (3400 Montrose Blvd., Suite 207). The weekly sessions offer roundtable discussion, educational forums, socials, potlucks, and more. There is no charge to participate.

The group’s facilitator is Chris Escalante, who served two terms on the San Antonio Health Services Planning Council and served as chair or co-chair of the People’s Caucus, a committee of the Ryan White Planning Council in San Antonio, which was established to strengthen full and effective participation of people with HIV/AIDS. In San Antonio, Escalante was also a volunteer peer treatment advocate and educator, and has attended various health fairs and conferences.

“Our group is a place to give individuals a safe place to share their experiences with others and receive or provide feedback—a place where an individual can open up without feeling rejection,” Escalante said. “We encourage positive interaction of information between individuals.” houstonglbtcommunitycenter.org • 713/524-3818.  — Nancy Ford

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