
OutLoud: The Queer Year That Was

Sally reflects on 2007.

At the end of the year in the month of December,
I like to take stock, take some time and remember
That even though much is oppressive and hateful,
The world’s full of reasons that I should be grateful.

I may not have wealth stashed away in Swiss banks,
But I still have a lot for which I can give thanks.
My wife and my friends and my health, just for starters,
And also my freedom from girdles and garters.

I’m thankful I’m free to be out as a dyke
And to dress just as butch (or as femme) as I like.
I’m glad I am me, and I’m thankful because it
Feels really good to be out of the closet.

I’m thankful for Pride day and queer celebrations
And all of our national organizations
Like PFLAG and GLAAD and the ACLU,
For GLSEN and Lambda and Queer Nation, too.

I know it’s important to stop and revere
The shoulders I stand on and who got me here—
My feminist forebears, that suf fragist force
Who won me the vote and the right to divorce.
Our heroes at Stonewall, those drag queens and dykes
In dresses and heels and on big motor bikes,
Who fought the police in their wagons and cars
In the riot protesting the raiding of bars.

To all who have struggled and joined in the fights,
For hate crimes protection and our civil rights,
Who’ve called on the Congress with e-mails and notes,
And sent in their money and spoken with votes.

I’d like to say thanks for our U.S. democracy,
Except for the fraud and the blatant hypocrisy.
The Christian far right and the family Bush
Are running a scam that’s a pain in the tush.

Health care’s in shambles and children are sick,
And nobody’s fixing the mess very quick.
Our billions on war are not find ing the answer
To homelessness, AIDS, or ovar ian cancer.

While bigots in power continue the plague,
Like hypocrites Haggart and Senator Craig,
Our lawmakers cave to the war- machine spenders
And balk at a bill to protect our transgenders.
The president says he is earnestly trying
To make it all better, but oh, how he’s lying.
Yes, lying and stealing and cheating us all
For reasons Gonzales just couldn’t recall.

I’m sick of the war and of all the bad news
That makes me disheartened and gives me the blues.
I’m stressed about bigotry, war, and injustice,
And cannabis laws that are set up to bust us.

I fret over apathy, gloom, and inaction
And how our good minds are so prone to distraction.
We let media images mangle and warp us
And barely say boo over habeas corpus.

As if giving up freedom could be the solution
To threats to our country and our Constitution.
It’s crazy, it’s nuts, so much violence and fear,
And it’s taking away what we used to hold dear.

But here I am focused on all that is wrong,
So I need to remember my “good” list is long.
Despite the intolerance, greed, and exclusion,
Sweet blessings abound in abundant profusion.

I’ve plenty to eat and clean water to drink
And an outlet to write and to say what I think.
I’m more or less free to speak out with impunity,
Thanks to my friends and supportive community.

Tune in and refocus, I tell myself now,
And watch what goes on without having a cow.
Try to stay open, serene and aware—
Change what you can, for the rest, say a prayer.

So even though much is oppressive and hateful,
I still have a lot for which I can be grateful.
That’s why I take time to take stock and remember
At the end of the year in the month of December.

Sally Sheklow is a multiple winner in the Lone Star Press Awards. She writes and fights for rights in Eugene, Oregon.





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