From Our Readers: October 2007
Another view on Iraq
I see by Daryl Moore’s recent column, “The Bush Administration” [“LeftOut,”August 2007OutSmart], that he is fully invested in failure in Iraq by American troops and in seeking to blame the President for spinning the political truth. Again, Moore’s usual theme of hatred and disrespect are in overdrive.
Daryl refers to the cost of the war in Iraq at $10 billion per month and the 3,700+ soldiers who have died as reasons to pull out. Obviously he doesn’t recall the cost of 9/11 to our economy. Try on $1 trillion dollars for size, Daryl. We are at war in Iraq because of the lessons of 9/11! Do you not remember the weeks after 9/11 when the national news asked, “Why did we not connect the dots?” We are not at war with Iraq because of Bush. We are at war in Iraq because of Saddam Hussein. Saddam earned this war and his death, no thanks to the hopeless United Nations.
You suggest that 8 of 18 benchmarks that have been met in Baghdad as a failure. Are you kidding me? I asked you two months ago to name three things the U.S. government does well (in the most stable, most successful government in the world) and you named zero! And in the midst of a new government in Iraq, only an American rooting for failure there can see 8 of 18 as unacceptable. Congratulations.
It was okay for Bill Clinton to ignore terrorism even after the February 1993 car bombing of the NYC World Trade Center and numerous other well-known events during his tenure. He ignored the border problem as well. I suppose being politically popular had nothing to do with his dereliction to duty. I’d rather have a president willing to “tough” it out and follow principle over re-election every day.
Mike Crowe
On the cover of the September issue, we incorrectly identified “Queer Voices” as the KPFT program celebrating 20 years on the air. That program is After Hours, as we accurately stated in the feature article in the magazine (“That’s a Lot of Talk”).
In the September issue, we listed an inaccurate date for the Houston performance by Lily Tomlin in our interview with her (“Classic Lily”). The date of her appearance is Saturday, October 6.
We published incorrect byline credits for the writers of the music feature in the August issue (“Now Hear This”). Eric A.T. Dieckman wrote the profiles of SoulFiXx and Allen Hanks. Marene Gustin wrote the profiles of Eric Alan Ramirez and Josh Duffy.
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