Artful Heavy Metal
Heather Harris shows her views of Montrose and Houston at the Bayou City Art Festival.

The metal-framed photographs of Heather Harris are among the works of 300 artists featured at the downtown Bayou City Art Festival this month. The gift of a Canon Rebel camera prompted her to start creating pictures that combine traditional photographic techniques, computer-aided imagery, and metal sculpture.
Born in Germany to American parents, Harris, an out lesbian, grew up in Illinois, Colorado, and Arizona before moving to Austin, where she taught middle-school science.
The October 13–14 Bayou City Arts Festival takes place over a multi-block area that encompasses Hermann Square in front of City Hall and Sam Houston Park. Features include a kid-friendly Creative Zone, where youngsters can participate in activities offered by some of the 14 nonprofit organizations that share proceeds from the festival. The fun includes a face-painting station staffed by Bering Omega Community Services volunteers. Details:
Photo finish: Harris’ work, which incorporates photography, computer imagery, and metal sculpture, includes
Houston Aglow
A View from Montrose
Night Awakens
and Dancing Lights of Houston.