National NewsNews

Marriage Equality Defeated in Maine

Advocates of equality were disheartened by the November 3 passage of Maine’s Question 1, which repealed a law granting same-sex couples the right to marry in the Pine Tree State.

It was expected that Maine would become the fifth state in the United States to recognize same-sex marriage in May 2009, after the measure was passed by the state Senate and House of Representatives and signed into law by Governor John Baldacci. The issue was placed on the statewide ballot after opponents to marriage equality submitted enough signatures for a people’s veto referendum.

“This heartbreaking defeat in Maine unfortunately shows that lies and fear can still win at the ballot box. Yet despite this setback, the tide clearly is turning nationwide in favor of marriage equality,” said Rea Carey, executive director of National Gay and Lesbian Task Force. “We are confident that Maine will again join the growing number of states that extend the essential security and legal protections of marriage to all loving, committed couples. All across the nation, same-sex couples and their families are sharing their stories and their lives with others in a conversation that is transforming our country. That doesn’t end today. If anything, it inspires and compels us to press forward.” – by Nancy Ford




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